Source code for atoMEC.check_inputs

The check_inputs module checks the validity of all user-defined inputs.

If inputs are invalid, InputError exceptions are raised. It also assigns
appropriate default inputs where none are supplied.

* :class:`Atom` : Check the inputs from the :class:`atoMEC.Atom` object.
* :class:`ISModel` : Check the inputs from the :obj:`atoMEC.models.ISModel` class.
* :class:`EnergyCalcs` : Check the inputs from the \
                         :func:`atoMEC.models.ISModel.CalcEnergy` function.
* :class:`InputError` : Exit atoMEC and print relevant input error message.
* :class:`InputWarning` : Warn if inputs are considered outside of typical ranges.

# standard python packages
import sys

# external packages
from mendeleev import element
import sqlalchemy.orm.exc as ele_chk
import numpy as np
from math import pi

# internal packages
from . import unitconv
from . import xc
from . import config

# define some custom types

intc = (int, np.integer)  # unfifying type for integers

[docs] class Atom: """Check the inputs from the Atom class."""
[docs] def check_species(self, species): """ Check the species is a string and corresponds to an actual element. Parameters ---------- species : str chemical symbol for atomic species Returns ------- None Raises ------ InputError.species_error Chemical symbol is not valid """ if not isinstance(species, str): raise InputError.species_error("element is not a string") else: try: return element(species) except ele_chk.NoResultFound: raise InputError.species_error("invalid element")
[docs] def check_units_temp(self, units_temp): """ Check the units of temperature are accepted. Parameters ---------- units_temp : str units of temperature Returns ------- units_temp : str units of temperature (if valid input) converted to lowercase Raises ------ InputError.temp_error unit of temperature is not accepted, i.e. not one of "ha", "ev" or "k" """ units_accepted = ["ha", "ev", "k"] if units_temp.lower() not in units_accepted: raise InputError.temp_error("units of temperature are not recognised") return units_temp.lower()
[docs] def check_temp(self, temp, units_temp): """ Check the temperature is a float within a sensible range. Parameters ---------- temp : float temperature (in any accepted units) units_temp : str units of temperature Returns ------- temp : float temperature in units of Hartree Raises ------ InputError.temp_error input temperature is not a positive number InputWarning.temp_warning input temperature is not inside a well-tested range """ if not isinstance(temp, (float, intc)): raise InputError.temp_error("temperature is not a number") else: # convert internal temperature to hartree if units_temp.lower() == "ev": temp = unitconv.ev_to_ha * temp elif units_temp.lower() == "k": temp = unitconv.K_to_ha * temp # check if temperature is within some reasonable limits (<1000 and > 0.1 eV) if temp < 0: raise InputError.temp_error("temperature is negative") if temp < 0.0036: if not config.suppress_warnings: print(InputWarning.temp_warning("low")) return temp elif temp > 36.7: if not config.suppress_warnings: print(InputWarning.temp_warning("high")) return temp else: return temp
[docs] def check_charge(self, charge): """ Check the net charge is an integer. Parameters ---------- charge : int the net charge Returns ------- charge : int the net charge (if input valid) Raises ------ InputError.charge_error if charge is not an integer """ if not isinstance(charge, intc): raise InputError.charge_error() else: return charge
[docs] def check_units_radius(self, units_radius): """ Check the units of radius are accepted. Parameters ---------- units_radius : str units of radius Returns ------- units_radius : str units of radius (if accepted) converted to lowercase Raises ------ InputError.density_error if units of radius are not one of "bohr", "angstrom" or "ang" """ radius_units_accepted = ["bohr", "angstrom", "ang"] if units_radius.lower() not in radius_units_accepted: raise InputError.density_error("Radius units not recognised") units_radius = units_radius.lower() return units_radius
[docs] def check_units_density(self, units_density): """ Check the units of density are accepted. Parameters ---------- units_density : str units of density Returns ------- units_density : str units of density (if accepted) converted to lowercase Raises ------ InputError.density_error if units of density are not one of "g/cm3" or "gcm3" """ density_units_accepted = ["g/cm3", "gcm3"] if units_density.lower() not in density_units_accepted: raise InputError.density_error("Density units not recognised") return units_density.lower()
[docs] def check_radius(self, radius, units_radius): """ Check the Wigner-Seitz radius is valid and reasonable. Parameters ---------- radius : float or int Wigner-Seitz radius (in input units) units_radius : str input units of radius Returns ------- radius : float Wigner-Seitz radius in Hartree units (Bohr) Raises ------ InputError.density_error if the radius is not a positive number > 0.1 """ if not isinstance(radius, (float, intc)): raise InputError.density_error("Radius is not a number") else: if units_radius == "angstrom" or units_radius == "ang": radius = unitconv.angstrom_to_bohr * radius if radius < 0.1: raise InputError.density_error( "Radius must be a positive number greater than 0.1" ) return radius
[docs] def check_density(self, density): r""" Check the mass density is valid and reasonable. Parameters ---------- density : float or int mass density (in :math:`\mathrm{g\ cm}^{-3}`) Returns ------- density : float mass density (in :math:`\mathrm{g\ cm}^{-3}`) if input accepted Raises ------ InputError.density_error if the density is not a positive number <= 100 """ if not isinstance(density, (float, intc)): raise InputError.density_error("Density is not a number") else: if density > 1000 or density < 0: raise InputError.density_error( "Density must be a positive number less than 1000" ) return density
[docs] def check_rad_dens_init(self, atom, radius, density, units_radius, units_density): """ Check that at least one of radius or density is specified and reasonable. In case both are specified, check they are compatible. Parameters ---------- Atom : atoMEC.Atom the main Atom object radius : float or int Wigner-Seitz radius density : float or int mass density units_radius : str units of radius units_density : str units of density Returns ------- radius, density : tuple of floats the Wigner-Seitz radius and mass density if inputs are valid Raises ------ InputError.density_error if neither density nor radius is not given, or if one is invalid, or if both are given and they are incompatible """ if not isinstance(density, (float, intc)): raise InputError.density_error("Density is not a number") if not isinstance(radius, (float, intc)): raise InputError.density_error("Radius is not a number") else: if units_radius == "angstrom" or units_radius == "ang": radius = unitconv.angstrom_to_bohr * radius if density == -1 and radius != -1: if radius < 0.1: raise InputError.density_error( "Radius must be a positive number greater than 0.1" ) else: density = self.radius_to_dens(atom, radius) elif radius == -1 and density != -1: max_density = 1000 if density > max_density or density < 0: raise InputError.density_error( f"Density must be a positive number less than {max_density}" ) else: radius = self.dens_to_radius(atom, density) elif radius != -1 and density != -1: density_test = self.radius_to_dens(atom, radius) if abs((density_test - density) / density) > 5e-2: raise InputError.density_error( "Both radius and density are specified but they are not" " compatible" ) else: density = density_test elif radius == -1 and density == -1: raise InputError.density_error( "One of radius or density must be specified" ) return radius, density
[docs] def radius_to_dens(self, atom, radius): """ Convert the Voronoi sphere radius to a mass density. Parameters ---------- atom : atoMEC.Atom the main Atom object radius : float the Wigner-Seitz radius Returns ------- density : float the mass density """ # radius in cm rad_cm = radius / unitconv.cm_to_bohr # volume in cm vol_cm = (4.0 * pi * rad_cm**3) / 3.0 # atomic mass in g mass_g = config.mp_g * atom.at_mass # density in g cm^-3 density = mass_g / vol_cm return density
[docs] def dens_to_radius(self, atom, density): """ Convert the mass density to a Wigner-Seitz radius. Parameters ---------- atom : atoMEC.Atom the main Atom object density : float the mass density Returns ------- radius : float the Wigner-Seitz radius """ # compute atomic mass in g mass_g = config.mp_g * atom.at_mass # compute volume and radius in cm^3/cm vol_cm = mass_g / density rad_cm = (3.0 * vol_cm / (4.0 * pi)) ** (1.0 / 3.0) # convert to a.u. radius = rad_cm * unitconv.cm_to_bohr return radius
[docs] class ISModel: """Check the inputs for the IS model class."""
[docs] def check_xc(xc_func, xc_type): """ Check the exchange and correlation functionals are accepted. Parameters ---------- xc_func : str or int the libxc name or id of the x/c functional xc_type : str type i.e. "exchange" or "correlation" Returns ------- xc_func : str the libxc name of the x/c functional (if valid input) Raises ------ InputError.xc_error if xc functional is not a valid libxc input or is not supported by the current version of atoMEC """ # supported families of libxc functional by name names_supp = ["lda", "gga"] # supported families of libxc functional by id id_supp = [1, 2] # check both the exchange and correlation functionals are valid xc_func, err_xc = xc.check_xc_func(xc_func, id_supp) if err_xc == 1: raise InputError.xc_error( xc_type + " functional is not an id (int) or name (str)" ) elif err_xc == 2: raise InputError.xc_error( xc_type + " functional is not a valid name or id.\n Please" " choose from the valid inputs listed here: \n " "" ) elif err_xc == 3: raise InputError.xc_error( "This family of " + xc_type + " functionals is not yet supported by atoMEC. \n " " Supported families so far are: " + " ".join(names_supp) ) return xc_func
[docs] def check_unbound(unbound, bc): """ Check the unbound electron input is accepted. Parameters ---------- unbound : str defines the treatment of the unbound electrons bc : str the boundary condition Returns ------- unbound : str treatment of unbound electrons (if input valid) Raises ------ InputError.unbound_error if the treatment of unbound electrons is not a valid input """ # list all possible treatments for unbound electrons unbound_permitted = ["ideal", "quantum"] if not isinstance(unbound, str): raise InputError.unbound_error( "Unbound electron description is not a string" ) else: # convert unbound to all lowercase unbound.lower() if unbound not in unbound_permitted: err_msg = ( "Treatment of unbound electrons not recognised. \n " " Allowed treatments are: " + ", ".join([ub for ub in unbound_permitted]) ) raise InputError.unbound_error(err_msg) elif bc == "bands" and unbound == "ideal": err_msg = "bands bc cannot be used with ideal treatment of unbound \ electrons. Only quantum treatment is permitted." raise InputError.unbound_error(err_msg) return unbound
[docs] def check_bc(bc): """ Check the boundary condition is accepted. Parameters ---------- bc : str the boundary condition used to solve KS eqns (can be either "dirichlet" or "neumann") Returns ------- bc : str the boundary condition used to solve KS eqns (lowercase) Raises ------ InputError.bc_error if the boundary condition is not recognised """ # list permitted boundary conditions bcs_permitted = ["dirichlet", "neumann", "bands"] if not isinstance(bc, str): raise InputError.bc_error("Boundary condition is not a string") else: # convert to lowercase bc.lower() if bc not in bcs_permitted: err_msg = ( "Boundary condition is not recognised. \n Allowed" " boundary conditions are: " + ", ".join([b for b in bcs_permitted]) ) raise InputError.bc_error(err_msg) return bc
[docs] def check_spinpol(spinpol): """ Check the spin polarization is a boolean. Parameters ---------- spinpol : bool whether spin polarized calculation is done Returns ------- spinpol : bool same as input unless error raised Raises ------ InputError.spinpol_error if the spin polarization is not a bool """ if not isinstance(spinpol, bool): raise InputError.spinpol_error("Spin polarization is not of type bool") return spinpol
[docs] def check_spinmag(spinmag, nele): """ Check the spin magnetization is compatible with the total electron number. Also compute a default value if none is specified. Parameters ---------- spinmag : int the spin magnetization (e.g. 1 for a doublet state) nele : int the total number of electrons Returns ------- spinmag : int the spin magnetization if input valid Raises ------ InputError.spinmag_error if spinmag input is not an integer or incompatible with electron number """ if not isinstance(spinmag, intc): raise InputError.spinmag_error( "Spin magnetization is not a positive integer" ) # computes the default value of spin magnetization if spinmag == -1: if nele % 2 == 0: spinmag = 0 else: spinmag = 1 elif spinmag > -1: if nele % 2 == 0 and spinmag % 2 != 0: raise InputError.spinmag_error( "Spin magnetization is not compatible with total electron number" ) elif nele % 2 != 0 and spinmag % 2 == 0: raise InputError.spinmag_error( "Spin magnetization is not compatible with total electron number" ) else: raise InputError.spinmag_error( "Spin magnetization is not a positive integer" ) return spinmag
[docs] def check_v_shift(v_shift): """ Check the potential shift is a boolean. Parameters ---------- v_shift : bool whether potential is shifted or not Returns ------- v_shift : bool same as input unless error raised Raises ------ InputError.v_shift_error if the potential shift is not a bool """ if not isinstance(v_shift, bool): raise InputError.v_shift_error("Potential shift is not of type bool") return v_shift
[docs] def calc_nele(spinmag, nele, spinpol): """ Calculate the electron number in each spin channel (if spin polarized). Parameters ---------- spinmag : int the spin magnetization nele : int total electron number spinpol : bool spin polarization Returns ------- nele : array of ints number of electrons in each spin channel if spin-polarized, else just total electron number """ if not spinpol: nele = np.array([nele], dtype=int) else: nele_up = (nele + spinmag) / 2 nele_dw = (nele - spinmag) / 2 nele = np.array([nele_up, nele_dw], dtype=int) return nele
[docs] class EnergyCalcs: """Check inputs for CalcEnergy calculations."""
[docs] @staticmethod def check_grid_params(grid_params): r""" Check grid parameters are reasonable, or assigns if empty. Parameters ---------- grid_params : dict Can contain the keys `ngrid` (``int``, number of grid points), `x0` (`float`, LHS grid point for log grid), and `s0` (`float`, LHS grid point for sqrt grid) Returns ------- grid_params : dict dictionary of grid parameters as follows: { `ngrid` (``int``) : number of grid points, `x0` (``float``) : LHS grid point takes form :math:`r_0=\exp(x_0)`; :math:`x_0` can be specified `s0` (``float``) : LHS grid point takes form :math:`r_0=s0^2`; :math:`s_0` can be specified `ngrid_coarse` (``int``) : (smaller) number of grid points for estimation of eigenvalues with full diagonalization } Raises ------ InputError.grid_error if grid inputs are invalid or outside a reasonable range InputError.ngrid_warning if `ngrid` is outside a reasonable convergence range """ # First assign the keys ngrid, x0 and ngrid_coarse if they are not given try: ngrid = grid_params["ngrid"] except KeyError: ngrid = config.grid_params["ngrid"] try: x0 = grid_params["x0"] except KeyError: x0 = config.grid_params["x0"] try: s0 = grid_params["s0"] except KeyError: s0 = config.grid_params["s0"] try: ngrid_coarse = grid_params["ngrid_coarse"] except KeyError: ngrid_coarse = config.grid_params["ngrid_coarse"] # check that ngrid is an integer if not isinstance(ngrid, intc): raise InputError.grid_error("Number of grid points not an integer!") # check that ngrid is a positive number if ngrid < 0: raise InputError.grid_error("Number of grid points must be positive") elif ngrid < 300: if not config.suppress_warnings: print(InputWarning.ngrid_warning("low", "inaccurate")) elif ngrid > 10000: if not config.suppress_warnings: print(InputWarning.ngrid_warning("high", "expensive")) # check that ngrid_coarse is an integer if not isinstance(ngrid_coarse, intc): raise InputError.grid_error("Number of coarse grid points not an integer!") # check that ngrid_coarse is a positive number if ngrid_coarse < 0: raise InputError.grid_error("Number of coarse grid points must be positive") elif ngrid_coarse < 100: if not config.suppress_warnings: print(InputWarning.ngrid_warning("low", "inaccurate")) elif ngrid_coarse > 500: if not config.suppress_warnings: print(InputWarning.ngrid_warning("high", "expensive")) # check that x0 is reasonable if x0 > -3: raise InputError.grid_error( "x0 is too high, calculation will likely not converge" ) if s0 <= 1e-6: raise InputError.grid_error("s0 is too small, numerical problems likely") elif s0 >= 1e-2: raise InputError.grid_error( "s0 is too large, calculation will likely not converge" ) grid_params = {"ngrid": ngrid, "x0": x0, "ngrid_coarse": ngrid_coarse, "s0": s0} return grid_params
[docs] @staticmethod def check_conv_params(input_params): """ Check convergence parameters are reasonable, or assigns if empty. Parameters ---------- input_params : dict of floats Can contain the keys `econv`, `nconv` and `vconv`, for energy, density and potential convergence parameters Returns ------- conv_params : dict of floats dictionary of convergence parameters as follows: { `econv` (``float``) : convergence for total energy, `nconv` (``float``) : convergence for density, `vconv` (``float``) : convergence for electron number, `eigtol` (``float``) : tolerance for eigenvalues, `bandtol` (``float``) : tolerance for n(l)max warning } Raises ------ InputError.conv_error if a convergence parameter is invalid (not float or negative). """ conv_params = {} # loop through the convergence parameters for conv in ["econv", "nconv", "vconv", "eigtol", "bandtol"]: # assign value if not given try: x_conv = input_params[conv] except KeyError: x_conv = config.conv_params[conv] # check float if not isinstance(x_conv, float): raise InputError.conv_error(conv + " is not a float!") # check > 0 elif x_conv < 0: raise InputError.conv_error(conv + " cannot be negative") conv_params[conv] = x_conv return conv_params
[docs] @staticmethod def check_scf_params(input_params): """ Check scf parameters are reasonable, or assigns if empty. Parameters ---------- input_params : dict can contain the keys `maxscf` and `mixfrac` for max scf cycle and potential mixing fraction Returns ------- scf_params : dict dictionary with the following keys: { `maxscf` (``int``) : max number scf cycles, `mixfrac` (``float``) : mixing fraction } Raises ------ InputError.SCF_error if the SCF parameters are not of correct type or in valid range """ scf_params = {} # assign value to scf param if it is not specified for p in ["maxscf", "mixfrac"]: try: scf_params[p] = input_params[p] except KeyError: scf_params[p] = config.scf_params[p] # check maxscf is an integer maxscf = scf_params["maxscf"] if not isinstance(maxscf, intc): raise InputError.SCF_error("maxscf is not an integer!") # check it is at least 1 elif maxscf < 1: raise InputError.SCF_error("maxscf must be at least 1") # check mixfrac is a float mixfrac = scf_params["mixfrac"] if not isinstance(mixfrac, float): raise InputError.SCF_error("mixfrac is not a float!") # check it lies between 0,1 elif mixfrac < 0 or mixfrac > 1: raise InputError.SCF_error("mixfrac must be in range [0,1]") return scf_params
[docs] @staticmethod def check_band_params(input_params): r""" Check if band parameters are reasonable, or assign if empty. Parameters ---------- input_params : dict can contain the keys `maxscf` and `mixfrac` for max scf cycle and potential mixing fraction Returns ------- band_params : dict dictionary for band parameters as follows: { `nkpts` (``int``) : number of levels per band, `de_min` (``float``) : minimum energy gap to make a band } Raises ------ InputError.bands_error if band parameters are of invalid type or range """ band_params = {} for p in ["nkpts", "de_min"]: band_params[p] = input_params.get(p, config.band_params[p]) # dirichlet and neumann bcs should only have one band bcs_no_bands = ["dirichlet", "neumann"] if config.bc in bcs_no_bands: band_params["nkpts"] = 1 # check the number of bands is valid else: if not isinstance(band_params["nkpts"], intc): raise InputError.bands_error("nkpts is not an integer") else: min_k_points = 10 if band_params["nkpts"] < min_k_points: raise InputError.bands_error( f"bands requires at least {min_k_points} k points" ) # check the minimum band spacing is valid if not isinstance(band_params["de_min"], (float, intc)): raise InputError.bands_error("de_min is not a number") else: if band_params["de_min"] < 0: raise InputError.bands_error("de_min must be positive") return band_params
[docs] @staticmethod def check_grid_type(grid_type): r"""Check grid type. Parameters ---------- grid_type : str the grid type Returns ------- grid_type : str the grid type Raises ------ InputError.grid_type_error if grid type not one of "log" or "sqrt" """ if grid_type not in ["log", "sqrt"]: raise InputError.grid_error("Grid type must be either 'log' or 'sqrt'") else: return grid_type
[docs] class InputError(Exception): """Exit atoMEC and print relevant input error message."""
[docs] def species_error(err_msg): """ Raise an exception if there is an invalid species. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in atomic species input: " + err_msg) print("Species must be a chemical symbol, e.g. 'He'") sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def temp_error(err_msg): """ Raise an exception if temperature is not a float. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in temperature input: " + err_msg) print("Temperature should be >0 and given in units of eV") sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def charge_error(): """ Raise an exception if charge is not an integer. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ print("Error in charge input: charge is not an integer") sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def density_error(err_msg): """ Raise an exception if density is not a float or negative. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in density input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def spinmag_error(err_msg): """ Raise an exception if density is not a float or negative. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in spinmag input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def xc_error(err_msg): """ Raise an exception if density is not a float or negative. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in xc input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def unbound_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if unbound not str or in permitted values. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in unbound electron input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def bc_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if unbound not str or in permitted values. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in boundary condition input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def bands_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if `nkpts` not positive int or `dE_spc` not positive number. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in bands input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def spinpol_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if spinpol not a boolean. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in spin polarization input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def grid_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if error in grid inputs. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in grid inputs: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def conv_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if error in convergence inputs. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in convergence inputs: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def SCF_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if error in SCF inputs. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in scf_params input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def v_shift_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if error in SCF inputs. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in v_shift input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] def ELF_error(err_msg): """ Raise exception if error in ELF inputs. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str the error message printed Returns ------- None """ print("Error in ELF input: " + err_msg) sys.exit("Exiting atoMEC")
[docs] class InputWarning: """Warn if inputs are considered outside of typical ranges, but proceed anyway."""
[docs] def temp_warning(err): """ Warn if temperature outside of sensible range. Parameters ---------- err : str custom part of error message Returns ------- warning : str full errror message """ warning = ( "Warning: this input temperature is very " + err + ". Proceeding anyway, but results may not be accurate. \n" + "Normal temperature range for atoMEC is 0.1 -- 1000 eV \n" ) return warning
[docs] def ngrid_warning(err1, err2): """ Warn if grid params outside of sensible range. Parameters ---------- err1 : str first custom part of error message err2 : str second custom part of error message Returns ------- warning : str full error message """ warning = ( "Warning: number of grid points is very " + err1 + ". Proceeding anyway, but results may be " + err2 + "\n" + "Suggested grid range is between 500-10000 but should be tested wrt" " convergence \n" ) return warning
[docs] def norbs_warning(quantum_num): """ Warn if either nmax or lmax is too low for convergence. Parameters ---------- quantum_num : str lmax or nmax Returns ------- warning : str full error message """ warning = ( "Warning: " + quantum_num + " appears to be too low. Proceeding anyway, but suggest to increase " + quantum_num + " and restart calculation" ) return warning