Source code for atoMEC.mathtools

Low-level module containing miscalleneous mathematical functions.

* :func:`normalize_orbs`: normalize KS orbitals within defined sphere
* :func:`int_sphere`: integral :math:`4\pi \int \mathrm{d}r r^2 f(r)`
* :func:`laplace`: compute the second-order derivative :math:`d^2 y(x) / dx^2`
* :func:`fermi_dirac`: compute the Fermi-Dirac occupation function for given order `n`
* :func:`ideal_entropy`: Define the integrand to be used in :func:`ideal_entropy_int`.
* :func:`ideal_entropy_int`: Compute the entropy for the ideal electron gas (no prefac).
* :func:`fd_int_complete`: compute the complete Fermi-Dirac integral for given order `n`
* :func:`chem_pot`: compute the chemical potential by enforcing charge neutrality
* :func:`f_root_id`: make root input fn for chem_pot with ideal apprx for free electrons
* :func: `lorentzian`: Lorentzian function

# standard libraries
from math import sqrt, pi
import warnings

# external libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize, integrate

# internal libraries
from . import config

[docs] def normalize_orbs(eigfuncs_x, xgrid, grid_type): r""" Normalize the KS orbitals within the chosen sphere. Parameters ---------- eigfuncs_x : ndarray The radial KS eigenfunctions :math:`X_{nl}^{\sigma}(x)` xgrid : ndarray The log / sqrt grid over which normalization is performed Returns ------- eigfuncs_x_norm : ndarray The radial KS eigenfunctions normalized over the chosen sphere """ # initialize the normalized eigenfunctions eigfuncs_x_norm = eigfuncs_x # loop over the eigenfunctions for n in range(np.shape(eigfuncs_x)[0]): # compute the mod squared eigenvalues eigfuncs_sq = eigfuncs_x[n].real ** 2 + eigfuncs_x[n].imag ** 2 # compute the intergal ampsq=4*pi*\int_dr r^2 |R(r)|^2 if grid_type == "log": ampsq = int_sphere(np.exp(-xgrid) * eigfuncs_sq, xgrid, "log") else: ampsq = int_sphere(eigfuncs_sq, xgrid, "sqrt") # normalize eigenfunctions eigfuncs_x_norm[n] = eigfuncs_x[n] / sqrt(ampsq) return eigfuncs_x_norm
[docs] def int_sphere(fx, xgrid, grid_type): r""" Compute integral over sphere defined by input grid. Parameters ---------- fx : array_like The function (array) to be integrated xgrid : ndarray The log / sqrt radial grid Returns ------- I_sph : float The value of the integrand Notes ----- The integral formula on the log grid is given by .. math:: I = 4 \pi \int \mathrm{d}x\ e^{3x} f(x) and on the sqrt grid is given by .. math:: I = 4 \pi \int \mathrm{d}s\ s^5 f(s) """ if grid_type == "log": func_int = 4.0 * pi * np.exp(3.0 * xgrid) * fx else: func_int = 8.0 * pi * xgrid**5 * fx I_sph = np.trapz(func_int, xgrid) return I_sph
[docs] def laplace(y, x, axis=-1): r""" Compute the second-order derivative :math:`d^2 y(x) / dx^2`. Derivative can be computed over any given axis. Parameters ---------- y : ndarray array y(x) on which laplacian is computed x : ndarray x array axis : int, optional axis over which derivatives are taken default : -1 Returns ------- grad2_y : ndarray the laplacian of y """ # first compute the first-order gradient grad1_y = np.gradient(y, x, edge_order=2, axis=axis) # now compute the second-order gradient grad2_y = np.gradient(grad1_y, x, edge_order=2, axis=axis) return grad2_y
[docs] def fermi_dirac(eps, mu, beta, n=0): r""" Compute the Fermi-Dirac function, see notes for functional form. Parameters ---------- mu : array_like the chemical potential beta : float the inverse potential eps : array_like the energies n : int energy is raised to power n/2 in the numerator (see notes) Returns ------- f_fd : array_like the fermi dirac occupation(s) Notes ----- The FD function is defined as: .. math:: f^{(n)}_{fd}(\epsilon, \mu, \beta) = \frac{\epsilon^{n/2}}{1+\exp(1+ \beta(\epsilon - \mu))} """ # dfn the exponential function # ignore warnings here with np.errstate(over="ignore"): fn_exp = np.minimum(np.exp(beta * (eps - mu)), 1e12) # fermi_dirac dist f_fd = (eps) ** (n / 2.0) / (1 + fn_exp) return f_fd
[docs] def ideal_entropy(eps, mu, beta, n=0): r""" Define the integrand to be used in :func:`ideal_entropy_int` (see notes). Parameters ---------- eps : array_like the energies mu : array_like the chemical potential beta : float the inverse potential n : int energy is raised to power n/2 in the numerator (see notes) Returns ------- f_ent : array_like the entropy integrand function Notes ----- The ideal entropy integrand is defined as .. math:: f_n(\epsilon,\mu,\beta) = \epsilon^{n/2} (f_\mathrm{fd}\log{f_\mathrm{fd}} + (1-f_\mathrm{fd}) \log(1-f_\mathrm{fd}) ), where :math:`f_\mathrm{fd}=f_\mathrm{fd}(\epsilon,\mu,\beta)` is the Fermi-Dirac distribution. """ # dfn the exponential function # ignore warnings here with np.errstate(over="ignore"): fn_exp = np.minimum(np.exp(beta * (eps - mu)), 1e12) # the 'raw' Fermi-Dirac distribution f_fd_raw = 1 / (1 + fn_exp) # define high and low tolerances for the log function (to avoid nans) tol_l = 1e-8 tol_h = 1.0 - 1e-8 # first replace the zero values f_fd_mod = np.where(f_fd_raw > tol_l, f_fd_raw, tol_l) # now replace the one values f_fd = np.where(f_fd_mod < tol_h, f_fd_mod, tol_h) # fermi_dirac dist f_ent = (eps) ** (n / 2.0) * (f_fd * np.log(f_fd) + (1 - f_fd) * np.log(1 - f_fd)) return f_ent
[docs] def fd_int_complete(mu, beta, n): r""" Compute complete Fermi-Dirac integral for given order (see notes for function form). Parameters ---------- mu : float chemical potential beta : float inverse temperature n : int order of Fermi-Dirac integral (see notes) Returns ------- I_n : float the complete fermi-dirac integral Notes ----- Complete Fermi-Dirac integrals are of the form .. math:: I_{n}(\mu,\beta)=\int_0^\infty\mathrm{d}\epsilon\ \epsilon^{n/2}f_{fd} (\mu,\epsilon,\beta) where n is the order of the integral """ # use scipy quad integration routine limup = np.inf # ignore integration warnings (omnipresent because of inf upper limit) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") I_n, err = integrate.quad(fermi_dirac, 0, limup, args=(mu, beta, n)) return I_n
[docs] def ideal_entropy_int(mu, beta, n): r""" Compute the entropy for the ideal electron gas (without prefactor) - see notes. Parameters ---------- mu : float chemical potential beta : float inverse temperature n : int order of Fermi-Dirac integral (see notes) Returns ------- I_n : float the complete fermi-dirac integral Notes ----- The entropy of an ideal electron gas is defined as .. math:: I_n(\mu,\beta) = \int_0^\infty \mathrm{d}\epsilon\ \epsilon^{n/2} (f_\mathrm{fd}\log{f_\mathrm{fd}} + (1-f_\mathrm{fd}) \log(1-f_\mathrm{fd}) ), where :math:`f_\mathrm{fd}=f_\mathrm{fd}(\epsilon,\mu,\beta)` is the Fermi-Dirac distribution. """ # use scipy quad integration routine limup = np.inf # ignore integration warnings (omnipresent because of inf upper limit) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") I_n, err = integrate.quad(ideal_entropy, 0, limup, args=(mu, beta, n)) return I_n
[docs] def chem_pot(orbs): r""" Determine the chemical potential by enforcing charge neutrality (see notes). Uses scipy.optimize.root_scalar with brentq implementation. Parameters ---------- orbs : staticKS.Orbitals the orbitals object Returns ------- mu : array_like chemical potential (spin-dependent) Notes ----- Finds the roots of equation .. math:: \sum_{nl} (2l+1) f_{fd}(\epsilon_{nl},\beta,\mu) + N_{ub}(\beta,\mu) - N_e = 0. The number of unbound electrons :math:`N_{ub}` depends on the implementation choice. """ mu = mu0 = mu # set initial guess to existing value of chem pot # so far only the ideal treatment for unbound electrons is implemented for i in range(config.spindims): # increase the bracket size until a solution is found bracket = np.array([-10, 10]) while True: try: x0 = mu0[i] args = (orbs.eigvals[:, i], orbs.occ_weight[:, i], config.nele[i]) maxiter = 1000 if config.unbound == "ideal": f_root = f_root_id elif config.unbound == "quantum": f_root = f_root_qu if config.nele[i] != 0: soln = optimize.root_scalar( f_root, x0=x0, args=args, method="brentq", bracket=bracket, options={"maxiter": maxiter}, ) mu[i] = soln.root # in case there are no electrons in one spin channel else: mu[i] = -np.inf break except ValueError: bracket *= 10 return mu
[docs] def f_root_id(mu, eigvals, lbound, nele): r""" Functional input for the chemical potential root finding function (ideal approx). See notes for function returned, the ideal approximation is used for free electrons. Parameters ---------- mu : array_like chemical potential eigvals : ndarray the energy eigenvalues lbound : ndarray the lbound matrix :math:`(2l+1)\Theta(\epsilon_{nl}^\sigma)` nele : union(int, float) the number of electrons for given spin Returns ------- f_root : float the difference of the predicted electron number with given mu and the actual electron number Notes ----- The returned function is .. math:: f = \sum_{nl} (2l+1) f_{fd}(\epsilon_{nl},\beta,\mu) + N_{ub}(\beta,\mu) - N_e """ # caluclate the contribution from the bound electrons occnums = lbound * fermi_dirac(eigvals, mu, config.beta) contrib_bound = occnums.sum() # now compute the contribution from the unbound electrons # this function uses the ideal approximation prefac = (2.0 / config.spindims) * config.sph_vol / (sqrt(2) * pi**2) contrib_unbound = prefac * fd_int_complete(mu, config.beta, 1.0) # return the function whose roots are to be found f_root = contrib_bound + contrib_unbound - nele return f_root
[docs] def f_root_qu(mu, eigvals, occ_weight, nele): r""" Functional input for the chemical potential root finding function (ideal approx). See notes for function returned, the ideal approximation is used for free electrons. Parameters ---------- mu : array_like chemical potential eigvals : ndarray the energy eigenvalues lbound : ndarray the lbound matrix :math:`(2l+1)\Theta(\epsilon_{nl}^\sigma)` nele : union(int, float) the number of electrons for given spin Returns ------- f_root : float the difference of the predicted electron number with given mu and the actual electron number Notes ----- The returned function is .. math:: f = \sum_{nl} (2l+1) f_{fd}(\epsilon_{nl},\beta,\mu) + N_{ub}(\beta,\mu) - N_e """ # caluclate the contribution from the bound electrons occnums = occ_weight * fermi_dirac(eigvals, mu, config.beta) # return the function whose roots are to be found f_root = occnums.sum() - nele return f_root
[docs] def lorentzian(x, x0, gamma): r""" Compute the Lorentzian function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like the "x" variable x0 : array_like the position of the peak gamma : float half the peak width / smoothing factor Returns ------- lorentzian_ : array_like the lorentzian function Notes ----- The Lorentzian function is defined as .. math:: \mathcal{L}(x, x_0, \gamma)=\frac{\gamma}{\pi}\frac{1}{\gamma^2+(x-x_0)^2} """ lorentzian_ = (gamma / np.pi) * (1.0 / (gamma**2 + (x - x0) ** 2)) return lorentzian_
[docs] def grad_func(den, xgrid, grid_type): """ Compute the gradient of a function on the log / sqrt grid. Parameters ---------- den : ndarray density array or any other function that is integrated xgrid : ndarray log / sqrt grid grid_type : str grid type, log or sqrt Returns ------- grad : ndarray The gradient of the density w.r.t. the radial grid. """ if grid_type == "log": grad = (np.exp(-xgrid)) * np.gradient(den, xgrid) else: grad = np.gradient(den, xgrid) / (2 * xgrid) return grad