Source code for atoMEC.models

Contains models used to compute properties of interest from the Atom object.

So far, the only model implemented is the ISModel. More models will be added in future

* :class:`ISModel` : Ion-sphere type model, static properties such as KS orbitals, \
                     density and energy are directly computed

# import standard packages
import sys

# import external packages
from math import log, sqrt

# import internal packages
from . import check_inputs
from . import config
from . import staticKS
from . import convergence
from . import writeoutput
from . import xc
from atoMEC.postprocess import pressure

[docs] class ISModel: """ The ISModel represents a particular family of AA models known as ion-sphere models. The implementation in atoMEC is based on the model described in [1]_. Parameter inputs for this model are related to particular choices of approximation, e.g. boundary conditions or exchange-correlation functional, rather than fundamental physical properties. Parameters ---------- atom : atoMEC.Atom The main atom object xfunc_id : str or int, optional The exchange functional, can be the libxc code or string, or special internal value Default : "lda_x" cfunc_id : str or int, optional The correlation functional, can be the libxc code or string, or special internal value Default : "lda_c_pw" bc : str, optional The boundary condition, can be "dirichlet" or "neumann" Default : "dirichlet" spinpol : bool, optional Whether to run a spin-polarized calculation Default : False spinmag : int, optional The spin-magentization Default: 0 for nele even, 1 for nele odd unbound : str, optional The way in which the unbound electron density is computed Default : "ideal" v_shift : bool, optional Shifts the potential vertically by its value at the boundary, v(R_s) Default : True write_info : bool, optional Writes information about the model parameters Default : True Attributes ---------- nele_tot: int total number of electrons nele: array_like number of electrons per spin channel (or total if spin unpolarized) References ---------- .. [1] T. J. Callow, E. Kraisler, S. B. Hansen, and A. Cangi, (2021). First-principles derivation and properties of density-functional average-atom models, `arXiv:2103.09928 <>`__. """ def __init__( self, atom, xfunc_id=config.xfunc_id, cfunc_id=config.cfunc_id, bc=config.bc, spinpol=config.spinpol, spinmag=-1, unbound=config.unbound, v_shift=config.v_shift, write_info=True, ): # Input variables self.nele_tot = atom.nele self.spinpol = spinpol self.spinmag = spinmag self.xfunc_id = xfunc_id self.cfunc_id = cfunc_id self.bc = bc self.unbound = unbound self.v_shift = v_shift # print the information if write_info: print( @property def spinpol(self): """bool: Whether calculation will be spin-polarized.""" return self._spinpol @spinpol.setter def spinpol(self, spinpol): self._spinpol = check_inputs.ISModel.check_spinpol(spinpol) # define the leading dimension for KS quantities (density, orbs, pot) if self._spinpol: config.spindims = 2 else: config.spindims = 1 try: # compute the no of electrons in each spin channel self.nele = check_inputs.ISModel.calc_nele( self.spinmag, self.nele_tot, self.spinpol ) config.nele = self.nele except AttributeError: pass # reset the x and c functionals if spinpol changes try: config.xfunc = xc.set_xc_func(self._xfunc_id) config.cfunc = xc.set_xc_func(self._cfunc_id) except AttributeError: pass @property def spinmag(self): """int: the spin magentization (difference in no. up/down spin electrons).""" return self._spinmag @spinmag.setter def spinmag(self, spinmag): self._spinmag = check_inputs.ISModel.check_spinmag(spinmag, self.nele_tot) try: # compute the no of electrons in each spin channel self.nele = check_inputs.ISModel.calc_nele( self.spinmag, self.nele_tot, self.spinpol ) config.nele = self.nele except AttributeError: pass @property def xfunc_id(self): """str: exchange functional shorthand id.""" return self._xfunc_id @xfunc_id.setter def xfunc_id(self, xfunc_id): self._xfunc_id = check_inputs.ISModel.check_xc(xfunc_id, "exchange") # define the exchange func object config.xfunc = xc.set_xc_func(self._xfunc_id) @property def cfunc_id(self): """str: correlation functional shorthand id.""" return self._cfunc_id @cfunc_id.setter def cfunc_id(self, cfunc_id): self._cfunc_id = check_inputs.ISModel.check_xc(cfunc_id, "correlation") # define the correlation func object config.cfunc = xc.set_xc_func(self._cfunc_id) @property def bc(self): """str: boundary condition for solving the KS equations in a finite sphere.""" return self._bc @bc.setter def bc(self, bc): self._bc = check_inputs.ISModel.check_bc(bc) config.bc = self._bc @property def unbound(self): """str: the treatment of unbound/free electrons.""" return self._unbound @unbound.setter def unbound(self, unbound): self._unbound = check_inputs.ISModel.check_unbound(unbound, self.bc) config.unbound = self._unbound @property def v_shift(self): """bool: shift the potential vertically by a constant.""" return self._v_shift @v_shift.setter def v_shift(self, v_shift): self._v_shift = check_inputs.ISModel.check_v_shift(v_shift) config.v_shift = self._v_shift @property def info(self): """str: formatted description of the ISModel attributes.""" return writeoutput.write_ISModel_data(self)
[docs] @writeoutput.timing def CalcEnergy( self, nmax, lmax, grid_params={}, conv_params={}, scf_params={}, band_params={}, force_bound=[], grid_type="sqrt", verbosity=0, write_info=True, write_density=True, write_potential=True, write_eigs_occs=True, write_dos=True, density_file="density.csv", potential_file="potential.csv", eigs_occs_file="eigs_occs.csv", dos_file="dos.csv", guess=False, guess_pot=0, ): r""" Run a self-consistent calculation to minimize the Kohn-Sham free energy. Parameters ---------- nmax : int maximum no. eigenvalues to compute for each value of angular momentum lmax : int maximum no. angular momentum eigenfunctions to consider grid_params : dict, optional dictionary of grid parameters as follows: { `ngrid` (``int``) : number of grid points, `x0` (``float``) : LHS grid point takes form :math:`r_0=\exp(x_0)`; :math:`x_0` can be specified, `ngrid_coarse` (``int``) : (smaller) number of grid points for estimation of eigenvalues with full diagonalization } conv_params : dict, optional dictionary of convergence parameters as follows: { `econv` (``float``) : convergence for total energy, `nconv` (``float``) : convergence for density, `vconv` (``float``) : convergence for electron number, `eigtol` (``float``) : convergence for eigenvalues, `bandtol` (``float``) : tolerance for n(l)max warning } scf_params : dict, optional dictionary for scf cycle parameters as follows: { `maxscf` (``int``) : maximum number of scf cycles, `mixfrac` (``float``) : density mixing fraction } band_params : dict, optional dictionary for band parameters as follows: { `nkpts` (``int``) : number of levels per band, `de_min` (``float``) : minimum energy gap to make a band } force_bound : list of list of ints, optional force certain levels to be bound, for example: `force_bound = [0, 1, 0]` forces the orbital with quantum numbers :math:`\sigma=0,\ l=1,\ n=0` to be always bound even if it has positive energy. This prevents convergence issues. grid_type : str, optional the transformed radial grid used for the KS equations. can be 'sqrt' (default) or 'log' verbosity : int, optional how much information is printed at each SCF cycle. `verbosity=0` prints the total energy and convergence values (default). `verbosity=1` prints the above and the KS eigenvalues and occupations. write_info : bool, optional prints the scf cycle and final parameters default: True write_density : bool, optional writes the density to a text file default: True write_potential : bool, optional writes the potential to a text file default: True density_file : str, optional name of the file to write the density to default: `density.csv` potential_file : str, optional name of the file to write the potential to default: `potential.csv` eigs_occs_file : str, optional filename for the orbital energies and occupations default: `eigs_occs` dos_file : str, optional filename for the density-of-states and fd distribution default: `dos` guess : bool, optional use coulomb pot (guess=False) or given pot (guess=True) as initial guess guess_pot : numpy array, optional initial guess for the potential Returns ------- output_dict : dict dictionary containing final KS quantities as follows: { `energy` (:obj:`staticKS.Energy`) : total energy object, `density` (:obj:`staticKS.Density`) : density object, `potential` (:obj:`staticKS.Potential`) : potential object, `orbitals` (:obj:`staticKS.Orbitals`) : orbitals object } """ # boundary cond, unbound electrons, xc func objects config.bc = self.bc config.unbound = self.unbound # reset global parameters if they are changed config.nmax = nmax config.lmax = lmax config.grid_params = check_inputs.EnergyCalcs.check_grid_params(grid_params) config.conv_params = check_inputs.EnergyCalcs.check_conv_params(conv_params) config.scf_params = check_inputs.EnergyCalcs.check_scf_params(scf_params) config.band_params = check_inputs.EnergyCalcs.check_band_params(band_params) config.grid_type = check_inputs.EnergyCalcs.check_grid_type(grid_type) # experimental change config.force_bound = force_bound # set up the xgrid and rgrid if config.grid_type == "log": xgrid, rgrid = staticKS.log_grid(log(config.r_s)) else: xgrid, rgrid = staticKS.sqrt_grid(sqrt(config.r_s)) # initialize orbitals orbs = staticKS.Orbitals(xgrid, grid_type) # use coulomb potential or input given potential as initial guess if guess: v_init = guess_pot else: v_init = staticKS.Potential.calc_v_en(xgrid, grid_type) v_s_old = v_init # initialize the old potential orbs.compute(v_init, config.bc, init=True, eig_guess=True) # occupy orbitals orbs.occupy() # write the initial spiel scf_init = writeoutput.SCF.write_init() if write_info: print(scf_init) # initialize the convergence object conv = convergence.SCF(xgrid, grid_type) for iscf in range(config.scf_params["maxscf"]): # print orbitals and occupations if verbosity == 1: eigs, occs = writeoutput.SCF.write_orb_info(orbs) print("\n" + "Orbital eigenvalues (Ha) :" + "\n\n" + eigs) print("Orbital occupations (2l+1) * f_{nl} :" + "\n\n" + occs) # construct density rho = staticKS.Density(orbs) # construct potential pot = staticKS.Potential(rho) # compute energies energy = staticKS.Energy(orbs, rho) E_free = energy.F_tot # mix potential if iscf > 1: alpha = config.scf_params["mixfrac"] v_s = alpha * pot.v_s + (1 - alpha) * v_s_old else: v_s = pot.v_s # shift potential if config.v_shift: for i in range(config.spindims): v_s[i, :] = v_s[i, :] - v_s[i, -1] # update the orbitals with the KS potential if iscf < 3: orbs.compute(v_s, config.bc, eig_guess=True) else: orbs.compute(v_s, config.bc) orbs.occupy() # update old potential v_s_old = v_s # test convergence conv_vals = conv.check_conv(E_free, v_s,, iscf) # write scf output scf_string = writeoutput.SCF.write_cycle(iscf, E_free, conv_vals) if write_info: print(scf_string) # exit if converged if conv_vals["complete"]: break # compute final density and energy rho = staticKS.Density(orbs) energy = staticKS.Energy(orbs, rho) # write final output scf_final = writeoutput.SCF().write_final(energy, orbs, rho, conv_vals) if write_info: print(scf_final) # write the density to file if write_density: writeoutput.density_to_csv(rgrid, rho, density_file) # write the potential to file if write_potential: writeoutput.potential_to_csv(rgrid, pot, potential_file) # write the eigs and their occs to file if write_eigs_occs: writeoutput.eigs_occs_to_csv(orbs, eigs_occs_file) # write the dos to file if using bands bc if config.bc == "bands" and write_dos: writeoutput.dos_to_csv(orbs, dos_file) output_dict = { "energy": energy, "density": rho, "potential": pot, "orbitals": orbs, } return output_dict
[docs] def CalcPressure( self, atom, energy_output, nmax=None, lmax=None, conv_params={}, scf_params={}, band_params={}, force_bound=[], write_info=False, verbosity=0, dR=0.01, method="A", ): r""" Calculate the electronic pressure using the finite differences method. N.B.: This is just a wrapper for the postprocess.pressure.finite_diff function. It is maintained to support backwards compatibility until next major release. Parameters ---------- atom : atoMEC.Atom The main atom object energy_output : dict output parameters of the function CalcEnergy conv_params : dict, optional dictionary of convergence parameters as follows: { `econv` (``float``) : convergence for total energy, `nconv` (``float``) : convergence for density, `vconv` (``float``) : convergence for electron number, `eigtol` (``float``) : tolerance for eigenvalues } scf_params : dict, optional dictionary for scf cycle parameters as follows: { `maxscf` (``int``) : maximum number of scf cycles, `mixfrac` (``float``) : density mixing fraction } force_bound : list of list of ints, optional force certain levels to be bound, for example: `force_bound = [0, 1, 0]` forces the orbital quith quantum numbers :math:`\sigma=0,\ l=1,\ n=0` to be always bound even if it has positive energy. This prevents convergence issues. verbosity : int, optional how much information is printed at each SCF cycle. `verbosity=0` prints the total energy and convergence values (default) `verbosity=1` prints the above and the KS eigenvalues and occupations. write_info : bool, optional prints the scf cycle and final parameters defaults to False dR : float, optional radius difference for finite difference calculation defaults to 0.01 Returns ------- P_e : float electronic pressure in Ha """ # for backwards compatibility: nmax and lmax will be removed in 2.x if nmax is not None or lmax is not None: sys.exit("nmax and lmax must inherit from CalcEnergy output") # call the finite diff function P_e = pressure.finite_diff( atom, self, energy_output["orbitals"], energy_output["potential"], conv_params, scf_params, force_bound, write_info, verbosity, dR, method, ) return P_e