Source code for atoMEC.writeoutput

Contains the routines which generate printed output (to screen and separate files).

* :class:`SCF` : Write information about the self-consistent field (SCF) cycle.

* :func:`write_atomic_data` : Write information about the main Atom object.
* :func:`write_ISModel_data` : Write information about the IS model.
* :func:`density_to_csv` : Write the KS density to file.
* :func:`potential_to_csv` : Write the KS potential to file.
* :func:`timing`: Generate timing information for given input function.

# standard libs
from functools import wraps
import time

# external libs
import numpy as np
import tabulate

# internal libs
from . import unitconv
from . import config

# define some line spacings
spc = "\n"
dblspc = "\n \n"

[docs] def write_atomic_data(atom): """ Write information about the main Atom object. Parameters ---------- atom : atoMEC.Atom the main Atom object Returns ------- output_str : str formatted description of the Atom attributes """ # the initial spiel init_str = "Atomic information:" + dblspc # information about the atomic species species_str = "{preamble:30s}: {species:2s} ".format( preamble="Atomic species", species=atom.species.symbol ) at_chrg_str = "{preamble:30s}: {chrg:<3d} / {weight:<.3f}".format( preamble="Atomic charge / weight", chrg=atom.at_chrg, weight=atom.at_mass ) nvalence_str = "{preamble:30s}: {nval:<3d}".format( preamble="Valence electrons", nval=atom.nvalence ) spec_info = species_str + spc + at_chrg_str + spc + nvalence_str + spc # information about the atomic / mass density rho_str = "{preamble:30s}: {rho:<.3g} g cm^-3".format( preamble="Mass density", rho=atom.density ) rad_ang = atom.radius / unitconv.angstrom_to_bohr rad_str = "{preamble:30s}: {rad_b:<.4g} Bohr / {rad_a:<.4g} Angstrom".format( preamble="Voronoi sphere radius", rad_b=atom.radius, rad_a=rad_ang ) rho_info = rho_str + spc + rad_str + spc # information about the temperature temp_ev = atom.temp / unitconv.ev_to_ha temp_K = atom.temp / unitconv.K_to_ha temp_str = "{preamble:30s}: {t_ha:<.4g} Ha / {t_ev:<.4g} eV / {t_k:<.4g} K".format( preamble="Electronic temperature", t_ha=atom.temp, t_ev=temp_ev, t_k=temp_K ) temp_info = temp_str + spc # information about the dimensionless parameters WS_radius_str = "{preamble:30s}: {rad:<.4g} (Bohr)".format( preamble="Wigner-Seitz radius", rad=atom.WS_radius ) gamma_i_str = "{preamble:30s}: {gamma:<.4g}".format( preamble="Ionic coupling parameter", gamma=atom.gamma_ion ) theta_e_str = "{preamble:30s}: {theta:<.4g}".format( preamble="Electron degeneracy parameter", theta=atom.theta_e ) dim_params_str = WS_radius_str + spc + gamma_i_str + spc + theta_e_str + spc # put all into a single string output_str = init_str + spec_info + rho_info + temp_info + dim_params_str + spc return output_str
[docs] def write_ISModel_data(ISModel): """ Write information about the approximations used for the IS model. Parameters ---------- ISModel : models.ISModel The ISModel object Returns ------- output_str : str formatted description of the ISModel attributes """ # the initial spiel init_str = "Using Ion-Sphere model" + spc + "Ion-sphere model parameters: " + dblspc # spin-pol information spinpol_str = "{preamble:30s}: {spin}".format( preamble="Spin-polarized", spin=ISModel.spinpol ) spinpol_info = spinpol_str + spc # number of electrons in each spin channel info nele = ISModel.nele if ISModel.spinpol: pre = "Number of up / down electrons" nele_str = "{preamble:30s}: {Nu} / {Nd}".format( preamble=pre, Nu=nele[0], Nd=nele[1] ) else: pre = "Number of electrons" nele_str = "{preamble:30s}: {Ne}".format(preamble=pre, Ne=nele[0]) nele_info = nele_str + spc # exchange functional xfunc_str = "{preamble:30s}: {xfunc}".format( preamble="Exchange functional", xfunc=ISModel.xfunc_id ) cfunc_str = "{preamble:30s}: {cfunc}".format( preamble="Correlation functional", cfunc=ISModel.cfunc_id ) xc_info = xfunc_str + spc + cfunc_str + spc # boundary condition bc_str = "{preamble:30s}: {bc}".format(preamble="Boundary condition", bc=ISModel.bc) bc_info = bc_str + spc # unbound electrons ub_str = "{preamble:30s}: {ub}".format( preamble="Unbound electron treatment", ub=ISModel.unbound ) ub_info = ub_str + spc # potential shift vshift_str = "{preamble:30s}: {spin}".format( preamble="Shift KS potential", spin=ISModel.v_shift ) vshift_info = vshift_str + spc output_str = ( init_str + spinpol_info + nele_info + xc_info + bc_info + ub_info + vshift_info + spc ) return output_str
[docs] class SCF: """Write information about the self-consistent field (SCF) cycle."""
[docs] @staticmethod def write_init(): """ Write the initial spiel for an SCF calculation. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- output_str : str header string for SCF cycle """ # the initial message init_str = "Starting SCF energy calculation" + dblspc # spacing between terms termspc = 3 * " " # main output string E_str = "{E:12s}".format(E="E_free (Ha)") dE_str = "{dE:2s} ({dE_x:<4.1e})".format( dE="dE", dE_x=config.conv_params["econv"] ) dn_str = "{dn:2s} ({dn_x:<4.1e})".format( dn="dn", dn_x=config.conv_params["nconv"] ) dv_str = "{dv:2s} ({dv_x:<4.1e})".format( dv="dv", dv_x=config.conv_params["vconv"] ) main_str = termspc.join(["iscf", E_str, dE_str, dn_str, dv_str]) + spc buffer_str = 65 * "-" output_str = init_str + main_str + buffer_str return output_str
[docs] @staticmethod def write_cycle(iscf, E_free, conv_vals): """ Write output string for each SCF iteration. Parameters ---------- iscf : int the iteration number E_free : float the total free energy conv_vals: dict dictionary of convergence values Returns ------- output_str : str free energy and convergence values for the i-th iteration """ termspc = 3 * " " iscf_str = "{i:4d}".format(i=iscf) E_str = "{E:12.7f}".format(E=E_free) dE_str = "{dE:12.3e}".format(dE=conv_vals["dE"]) dn_str = "{dn:12.3e}".format(dn=np.max(conv_vals["drho"])) dv_str = "{dv:12.3e}".format(dv=np.max(conv_vals["dpot"])) output = termspc.join([iscf_str, E_str, dE_str, dn_str, dv_str]) return output
[docs] def write_final(self, energy, orbitals, density, conv_vals): """ Write final post-SCF information about energy, orbitals and convergence. Parameters ---------- energy : staticKS.Energy the energy object orbitals : staticKS.Orbitals the orbitals object density: staticKS.Density the density object conv_vals : dict dictionary of convergence values Returns ------- output_str : str information about whether the calculation converged, the final energies (broken down into components), and the orbital energies and occupations """ output_str = 65 * "-" + spc # write whether convergence cycle succesfully completed if conv_vals["complete"]: output_str += "SCF cycle converged" + dblspc else: output_str += ( output_str + "SCF cycle did not converge in " + str(config.scf_params["maxscf"]) + " iterations" + dblspc ) # write the total energies output_str += self.write_final_energies(energy) + spc # write the chemical potential and mean ionization state N_ub = density.MIS if config.spindims == 2: mu_str = "Chemical potential (u/d)" chem_pot_str = "{mu:30s} : {mu1:7.3f} / {mu2:<7.3f}".format( mu=mu_str,[0],[1] ) N_ub_str = "Mean ionization state (u/d)" MIS_str = "{Nub:30s} : {Nub1:7.3f} / {Nub2:<7.3f}".format( Nub=N_ub_str, Nub1=N_ub[0], Nub2=N_ub[1] ) elif config.spindims == 1: mu_str = "Chemical potential" chem_pot_str = "{mu:30s} : {mu1:7.3f}".format(mu=mu_str,[0]) N_ub_str = "Mean ionization state" MIS_str = "{Nub:30s} : {Nub1:7.3f}".format(Nub=N_ub_str, Nub1=N_ub[0]) output_str += spc.join([chem_pot_str, MIS_str]) eigvals, occnums = self.write_orb_info(orbitals) if config.bc == "bands": output_str += ( dblspc + "Orbital eigenvalues (band limits) (Ha) :" + dblspc + eigvals ) output_str += ( spc + "Weighted band occupations (sum over k pts) :" + dblspc + occnums ) else: output_str += dblspc + "Orbital eigenvalues (Ha) :" + dblspc + eigvals output_str += ( spc + "Orbital occupations (2l+1) * f_{nl} :" + dblspc + occnums ) return output_str
[docs] @staticmethod def write_final_energies(energy): """ Write formatted KS energy information (by component). Parameters ---------- energy : staticKS.Energy the KS energy object Returns ------- output_str : str formatted output string of energies by component """ output_str = "Final energies (Ha)" + dblspc box_str = 45 * "-" + spc output_str += box_str # write the kinetic energy information E_kin = energy.E_kin KE_str = ( "{KE:30s} : {KE_x:10.4f}".format(KE="Kinetic energy", KE_x=E_kin["tot"]) + spc ) KE_str += ( 4 * " " + "{KE:26s} : {KE_x:10.4f}".format(KE="orbitals", KE_x=E_kin["bound"]) + spc ) KE_str += ( 4 * " " + "{KE:26s} : {KE_x:10.4f}".format( KE="unbound ideal approx.", KE_x=E_kin["unbound"] ) + spc ) output_str += KE_str # electron-nuclear contribution en_str = ( "{en:30s} : {E_en:10.4f}".format( en="Electron-nuclear energy", E_en=energy.E_en ) + spc ) output_str += en_str # hartree contribution ha_str = ( "{Ha:30s} : {E_ha:10.4f}".format(Ha="Hartree energy", E_ha=energy.E_ha) + spc ) output_str += ha_str # exchange-correlation (broken down into components) E_xc = energy.E_xc xc_str = ( "{xc:30s} : {xc_x:10.4f}".format( xc="Exchange-correlation energy", xc_x=E_xc["xc"] ) + spc ) xc_str += ( 4 * " " + "{xc:26s} : {xc_x:10.4f}".format(xc="exchange", xc_x=E_xc["x"]) + spc ) xc_str += ( 4 * " " + "{xc:26s} : {xc_x:10.4f}".format(xc="correlation", xc_x=E_xc["c"]) + spc ) output_str += xc_str # total energy tot_E_str = ( box_str + "{tot:30s} : {E_tot:10.4f}".format(tot="Total energy", E_tot=energy.E_tot) + spc + box_str ) output_str += tot_E_str # entropy (split into bound / unbound) ent = energy.entropy ent_str = "{S:30s} : {S_x:10.4f}".format(S="Entropy", S_x=ent["tot"]) + spc ent_str += ( 4 * " " + "{S:26s} : {S_x:10.4f}".format(S="orbitals", S_x=ent["bound"]) + spc ) ent_str += ( 4 * " " + "{S:26s} : {S_x:10.4f}".format( S="unbound ideal approx.", S_x=ent["unbound"] ) + spc ) output_str += ent_str # total free energy F = E - T * S tot_F_str = ( box_str + "{F:30s} : {F_x:10.4f}".format(F="Total free energy", F_x=energy.F_tot) + spc + box_str ) output_str += tot_F_str return output_str
[docs] @staticmethod def write_orb_info(orbitals): """ Write formatted KS orbital information. Information up to to the highest occupied level +1 (for both n and l) is included; remaining levels are truncated. Parameters ---------- orbitals : staticKS.Orbitals the KS orbitals object Returns ------- eigs_occs : tuple[str,str] a tuple containing formatted eigenvalue table eigval_tbl, and formatted occupation numbers table occnum_tbl """ # loop over the spin dimensions eigval_tbl = "" occnum_tbl = "" for i in range(config.spindims): # truncate the table otherwise it becomes too large lmax_new = min(config.lmax, 8) nmax_new = min(config.nmax, 5) # define row and column headers headers = [n + 1 for n in range(nmax_new)] headers[0] = "n=l+1" RowIDs = [*range(lmax_new)] RowIDs[0] = "l=0" if config.bc == "bands": eigvals_list = [orbitals.eigvals_min, orbitals.eigvals_max] else: eigvals_list = [orbitals.eigvals[0]] for eigvals in eigvals_list: eigvals_new = eigvals[i, :lmax_new, :nmax_new] # the eigenvalue table eigval_tbl += ( tabulate.tabulate( eigvals_new, headers, tablefmt="presto", showindex=RowIDs, floatfmt="7.3f", stralign="right", ) + dblspc ) # sum up the occupation numbers over each band occnums_band = np.sum(orbitals.occnums_w, axis=0) occnums_new = occnums_band[i, :lmax_new, :nmax_new] # the occnums table occnum_tbl += ( tabulate.tabulate( occnums_new, headers, tablefmt="presto", showindex=RowIDs, floatfmt="7.3f", stralign="right", ) + dblspc ) return eigval_tbl, occnum_tbl
[docs] def density_to_csv(rgrid, density, filename): """ Write the density (on the r-grid) to file. Parameters ---------- rgrid : ndarray real-space grid density : staticKS.Density the KS density object filename : str name of the file to write to """ if config.spindims == 2: # right-justifing column heads with fixed width of 12 characters headstr = " ".join( s.rjust(12) for s in [ "r (a_0)", "n^u (orbs)", "n^u (ideal)", "n^d (orbs)", "n^d (ideal)", ] ) data = np.column_stack( [ rgrid, density.bound["rho"][0], density.unbound["rho"][0], density.bound["rho"][1], density.unbound["rho"][1], ] ) else: # right-justifing column heads with fixed width of 12 characters headstr = " ".join(s.rjust(12) for s in ["r (a_0)", "n (orbs)", "n (ideal)"]) data = np.column_stack( [rgrid, density.bound["rho"][0], density.unbound["rho"][0]] ) np.savetxt(filename, data, fmt="%11.6e", header=headstr, comments="") return
[docs] def potential_to_csv(rgrid, potential, filename): """ Write the potential (on the r-grid) to file. Parameters ---------- rgrid : ndarray real-space grid density : staticKS.Potential the KS potential object filename : str name of the file to write to """ if config.spindims == 2: # right-justifing column heads with fixed width of 12 characters headstr = " ".join( s.rjust(12) for s in ["r (a_0)", "v_en", "v_ha", "v^u_xc", "v^d_xc"] ) data = np.column_stack( [ rgrid, potential.v_en, potential.v_ha, potential.v_xc["xc"][0], potential.v_xc["xc"][0], ] ) else: # right-justifing column heads with fixed width of 12 characters headstr = " ".join(s.rjust(12) for s in ["r (a_0)", "v_en", "v_ha", "v_xc"]) data = np.column_stack( [rgrid, potential.v_en, potential.v_ha, potential.v_xc["xc"][0]] ) np.savetxt(filename, data, fmt="% 10.5e", header=headstr, comments="") return
[docs] def eigs_occs_to_csv(orbitals, filename): """ Write all the orbital energies and their occupations to file. Parameters ---------- orbitals: staticKS.Orbitals the orbitals object filename : str name of the file to write to Returns ------- None """ data_tot = np.array([]) for sp in range(config.spindims): # flatten out the relevant matrices # and sort by energy eigenvalue eigs_sp = orbitals.eigvals[:, sp].flatten() idr = np.argsort(eigs_sp) eigs_sp = eigs_sp[idr] occs_sp = orbitals.occnums[:, sp].flatten()[idr] dos_sp = orbitals.DOS[:, sp].flatten()[idr] ldegen_sp = orbitals.ldegen[:, sp].flatten()[idr] band_weight_sp = orbitals.kpt_int_weight[:, sp].flatten()[idr] data = np.column_stack([eigs_sp, occs_sp, dos_sp, ldegen_sp, band_weight_sp]) try: data_tot = np.concatenate((data_tot, data), axis=-1) except ValueError: data_tot = data # right-justifing column heads with fixed width of 12 characters headstr = config.spindims * ( " ".join(s.rjust(12) for s in ["eigs", "occs", "dos", "l_degen", "k_int_wt"]) + " " ) np.savetxt(filename, data_tot, fmt="% 10.5e", header=headstr, comments="") return
[docs] def dos_to_csv(orbitals, filename): """ Write the energy eigenvalues, Fermi-Dirac occupations and DOS to file. Parameters ---------- orbitals: staticKS.Orbitals the orbitals object filename : str name of the file to write to Returns ------- None """ data_tot = np.array([]) for sp in range(config.spindims): # compute the dos (*(2l+1)) and FD dist in amenable format e_arr, fd_arr, DOS_arr = orbitals.calc_DOS_sum( orbitals.eigvals_min, orbitals.eigvals_max, orbitals.ldegen ) data = np.column_stack([e_arr[:, sp], fd_arr[:, sp], DOS_arr[:, sp]]) try: data_tot = np.concatenate((data_tot, data), axis=-1) except ValueError: data_tot = data # right-justifing column heads with fixed width of 12 characters headstr = config.spindims * ( " ".join(s.rjust(12) for s in ["energy", " fd occ", "dos"]) + " " ) np.savetxt(filename, data_tot, fmt="% 10.5e", header=headstr, comments="") return
# timing wrapper
[docs] def timing(f): """ Generate timing information for given input function. Parameters ---------- f : func the function to be timed """ @wraps(f) def wrap(*args, **kw): ts = time.time() result = f(*args, **kw) te = time.time() print("func:%r took: %2.4f sec" % (f.__name__, te - ts)) return result return wrap